Monday, January 16, 2012

Iconic Assignment 1 - mojot89

As paco stated, we are both competing in Vidkid/ColorMePink's new competition called Iconic. We've had a long history in competitions; whether it be modeling or a sims reality show. Things can get pretty intense at times, but it's totally hilarious!

Anyways, I based my photo on the song "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Bubl


Tyler had always been a very gifted musician. He had a life-long dream of being a part of a famous musical group. The problem was that he could never find someone who, in his eyes, was just as gifted as him. His family told him it was a foolish dream and that his sights were too high. They told him that he should give up on his dream and find a practical job. Tyler fell into a depression. He didn't want a boring job sitting in a cubical all day long answering phones. He wanted to be out in the lights! But the way things were going, that was where his life was heading.

It wasn't until he stopped at a small bar in town that a large ray of sunshine began to clear away his depression. Sitting at the piano was a girl who was playing the piano at a level that he's never heard before. They way her fingers gracefully flowed over the ivory, the way he head gently bobbed with the flow of the music, the way her voice sang a perfect melody to match the harmonies - it was all too much for Tyler. He had finally found the partner he's been searching for so desperately.



Vidkid/ColorMePink: #1 mojot89
-Wow I really love this! The story was really nice and a great set up to your story. The song was also a nice choice. As for the picture, the setting looks amazing and I really get the feeling of their first meeting in this picture. Fantastic job!

To my delight and paco's dismay, I was triumphant! So this leaves the score: Mojo - 1, Paco - 0!

EDIT: Also, the extras in the background are my simself and jps's simself!

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